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  • Student Success Teams
  • Important Terms to Know
  • Important Terms to Know

    Canvas: an academic platform where you access course documents, such as syllabi and assignments, and grades for courses. 

    Visit the Canvas page.

    Degree Works: a web-based tool to help students and advisors monitor progress toward degree completion.

    Visit the Degree Works page.

    Faculty Office Hours: scheduled time outside of class faculty set aside to meet with students. 

    Handshake: the career portal for Goucher students to find jobs/internships and connect with employers. 

    Visit the Handshake page.

    myGoucher: a web-based, private portal that allows students to register for classes, access class schedules, view grades and unofficial transcripts, view course history, find courses and more.

    Visit the myGoucher page.

    Navigate: an academic platform where you schedule appointments with your Success Coach and view resources available to students. 

    Visit the Goucher Navigate page. 

    Syllabus: an outline and overview of course topics, assignments, quizzes, tests, projects, and other graded work for a specific course. On a syllabus, professors share attendance policies, office hours, and their grading system.