Who to Go to and When
Success Advisor
Before Declaring a Major:
- Pre-Registration Advising Appointment
- Adding, Dropping, Withdrawing, and changing classes to P/NP
- Questions about choosing a major, declaring a major, or major exploration
- Questions about Goucher courses (GCRs) and potential major requirements
- Requesting late petitions and other enrollment changes
- Requesting an Incomplete grade in a course during the semester
- Help with Academic Forgiveness
- Help declaring majors, minors, and concentrations
- Help with academic standing appeals
Support Before and After Major Declaration:
- Success Coaching (time management, organization help, reading, note-taking, and study
strategies, etc.)
- Academic Support Referrals (tutoring, SI)
- General campus referrals (across the Student Success Team)
Faculty Advisor
Once you declare a major on your second year:
- Pre-Registration advising appointment
- Dropping, Withdrawing or changing a class to P/NP
- General information about your major, degree requirements and course sequencing
- Specific Study Abroad Questions/Programs
- Discussion regarding major specific internships
- Support late petitions and other enrollment changes
- Incomplete grades in a course during the semester
- Document appropriate summary of student appointments in Navigate
- Help with academic standing appeals
Career Advisor
- You should connect with the CEO during your first year to gain support in securing
campus or off-campus employment, major and career exploration, and developing plans
for the internships.
- You should join a career community as a way to begin to explore interests, internship
opportunities, and connect with alumni and others with shared interests.
Global Education Advisor
- Questions about the study abroad requirement
- Exploration of study abroad options
- Attend Study Abroad 101 and 102 sessions
- One-on-one advising regarding their study abroad selection
- Application for their intended program
- Visa application assistance
- Participation in study abroad fair and individual visits from partner programs
- Gilman, Boren, and Freeman East Asia Scholarship application guidance
- Fulbright applications
- Pre-departure orientation with peer and professional advising sessions
Residence Coordinator
- Issues with your roommate
- Coordinate housing during academic breaks
- Answer all housing related questions
- Address housing questions and concerns
Goucher Guide
1st semester only:
- General questions about what it is like to be a student on campus
- Find out available campus resources
- Navigating the initial transition to Goucher
Student Financial Services Advisor
- Impact of enrollment changes (Dropping or Withdrawing from a class)
- Assistance with annual FAFSA completion
- Significant changes in family financial circumstances
- Questions on criteria to maintain financial aid eligibility and deadlines
- Overview of Financial Aid for Study Abroad program
- Certificate of Finance for Visa application (if needed)
- Questions on payment options
- General overview of financial aid and billing
Athletic Coach
- Questions related to Athletics participation
- General guidance and referrals to campus resources